MULP returns!
📣 Spread the word: save the date for MULP! And sign up for a free labor skills class in the meantime.
This is a special newsletter about MULP!
🤔 What is MULP?
MULP is the Labor Education Service’s Minnesota Union Leadership Program. The program consists of six in-depth sessions scheduled over nine months where participants study the past, present, and future of the labor movement while engaging in critical thinking about how workers can build a more just and equitable society. Emerging and established union leaders build relationships and network with their fellow class members and others from the labor movement, learning from each other’s experiences and knowledge. To be in community, learning about worker power and history together? Sounds like a dream. ☁️✨
LES is working on providing a safe and practical plan for this year's MULP program. Save these dates in your calendar:
October 26-28, 2022 (Sessions 1 & 2)
December 8, 2022 (Session 3)
January 25, 2023 (Session 4)
March 16, 2023 (Session 5)
May 25, 2023 (Session 6 & Graduation)
Registration is not open yet, but we’ll update the newsletter when it becomes available. Application information will be available soon as well!
In the meantime, check out this FREE labor studies skills course on June 14 from 9am-12pm!
Learn more and register for the course here.
Check your inbox tomorrow for our regularly scheduled newsletter!