How can labor fight back against Trump’s mass deportation agenda?
Learn how unions and worker centers are protecting immigrant workers, and check out our latest coverage.
Times are frightening. But organizing beats fear.
“The goal is to go from a state of fear to a state of action,” says Laura Garza, executive director of workers’ rights organization Arise Chicago, in Sarah’s new story, How Labor Can Fight Back Against Trump’s Mass Deportation Agenda, published in collaboration with Labor Notes. Sarah and Natascha also worked on a story with specific suggestions for contract language here.

Sarah also collaborated with The American Prospect in her latest on restrictive covenants in the building services industry: After Building Service Workers Mobilize, FTC Stops Secret No-Hire Agreements. She has been covering this incredible organizing for almost two years!
“We all have a role to play.”
Workers at the Guthrie Theater who unionized with IATSE Local 13 are headed into bargaining next week. Check out Isa’s latest story: Guthrie Theater’s Front-of-House Workers Fight for a First Contract.
Healthcare workers in Deer River are holding the picket line
After publishing Minnesota Healthcare Workers in Deer River Continue Historic Strike, we learned that healthcare workers with SEIU Healthcare Minnesota & Iowa are going back to the bargaining table with their employer, Essentia Health, next week. On Wednesday they held an informational picket in Duluth, and as of today, are on day 40!

Thank you for reading. Up, up with liberation!